I remember seeing a quote put by a friend on her yahoo messenger shout out saying something about do not try to judge other without first trying to look into ourselves for our own mistake. I agreed with what she said.
Have you ever thought why people love to talk about other people’s problems? Talk about all the wrong things they had done? Judging their behaviours and all the decision they made? Trying to wrong and right others? Why?
I think everybody has their own point of view upon this. Asking that questions itself is also analyzing and being a part of that people whom I question about I guess. For me the answer is because everybody has their own problems, everybody has their own skeleton in the closet, by thinking about other people weaknesses and mistakes made us feel less weak and give us a glimpse of sense that we are better. It is some kind of a shield to let other people know that they are also full of flaws and also one of a way they can take a moment to forget their own sadness, their own problems.
For me, I think we have no right to judge others because we never know what they have been through and what had caused them to take the action that they have done. Although how bad the action that someone might done towards others, there is always two side of every story, knowing only one side of it does not made us eligible to judge.
No. It doesn’t mean that we can excuse every bad things people ever done. Every action will have the consequences and if someone did a bad thing although with what they think is with good intention, they will still have to pay the price. But what I am try to say is although how bad people are; we don’t have a right to feel that we are better than them; we don’t have a right to look at them with disgusted glance in our eyes because we don’t really know every side of their story, we cannot plan a seed of hate in our heart, because we might not be better than them, and maybe in some other ways they that we feel had fault might be better than us.
I love to relate what I am trying to say with the story of our prophet Musa and prophet Khidir. I think a lot of us know this story. When prophet Musa was asked to learnt from prophet Khidir about patience and hidden knowledge. Prophet Musa did not understand the intention of prophet Khidir that he thought was wrong but actually all the action that might seem wrong from our judgement actually has its own good purposes.
So the conclusion of what I am trying to say is. We don’t have any right to judge others. And if we are being judge it does feel better if we pity the people who judge us, who look down on us and who talked bad on us.
Because what I think is, do not take to hard on all the bad things they said to us, they might said it because they do not know the real situation, or maybe they have their own big problems that they want to forget and by putting their mind on something else.
So there are two points here that I can highligh:
1.Don’t judge; because we don’t really know the truth
2.And if we are being judge don’t feel bad because people did not really know who we truly are. Just continue to be ourselves and do good deed so people did not have a chance anymore to talk bad about us. We cannot change other people, we can only change ourselves with a hope people will change their opinion and impression on us.
Hey, I am not trying to say that I am correct, I am just saying based on my opinion :)
(p/s: well today there is no lyrics accompanying my thoughts because I am not listening to any song while writing this not look previously :) and the other thing is not I am babbling too long enough and to add lyrics from a song to make it longer will not work eheheh )