~ Demi Masa ~

Sunday, September 20, 2015

~:: bUbByE dC ::~

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Scott Cameron
Location: Freedom Plaza, DC

This past one week has been quite a journey.. both for work and leisure.. Who I am, and what I am capable of doing has surprise even myself... fear & excitement merge into one..

While travelling alone.. I found myself.. Well actually, I never really alone.. there is always someone I met along the way.. Alhamdulillah.. I really felt like Someone is watching over me.. And wearing a hijab give me an identity of who I am.. there were always smiles and salams received.. there was one funny incident... It was when one day I was about to ask for direction.. I was sort of get scolded for not giving salam first before asking.. how am I suppose to know he is a also a muslim.. but then realising his mistake.. he praised me for wearing hijab.. he said wearing it gives you an identity.. so even if you are travelling alone.. there is always your brothers and sisters that will help taking care of you.. I felt really touched.. 

Saving my allowances to extend the visit and staying hungry and tired for a long walk just to be safe on the budget has really paid off.. it's worth it.. Being alone had let me to really understand the meaning of 'Let go.. Let God.. '.. Alhamdulillah I feel blessed..  


Saturday, September 19, 2015

~:: mY kInD oF PeAcE ~ dC tRiP ::~

“If you try to walk in my shoes, you'll end up in a bookstore.”
― Anonymous

This is like heaven for a bookworm like me.. Stuck in here for a few lost moments.. enjoying the smell of books.. the coffee (starbuck is in there) and the good .. slow and soothing music.. the best combination of three good things.. although end up buying nothing (restricting myself to do so).. but the memories of the moment is now imprinted in my mind..

p/s: I collect moments not things..


~:: wElCoMeD bY tHe SuN -dC tRiP ::~

Keep you face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.. - Helen Keller

I believe the sun welcomes me yesterday... The beautiful ray makes the view even more spectecular..

But one thing I realise is that.. The more I see the world.. the more I realise how the culture molds us in a different way.. making us acts differently when facing a situation or the way we see or acts upon something.. but it doesn't mean that what they do is wrong but maybe just different from what we normaly know.. so it kind of reminds me of how our prophets Muhammad pbuh keeps reminding us to be careful of who we choose as a friend.. because whom we choose as a friend, will reflects who we are.. because in a certain way person around us influence us to be who we are..

Thursday, September 17, 2015

~:: iDeNtItI dIrI ~ dC tRiP ::~

“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Alhamdulillah.. Dengan berhijab memberikan identiti diri.. Siapa kita.. Dan.. Betul kata bijak pandai.. Ada masanya kita akan lebih jumpa Islam di negara yang bukan Islam.. Sepanjang tengah menyesatkan diri dalam pemandangan yang macam scene dari movie ni.. Rasanya dalam 5 orang yang tak dikenali yang sudi berikan salam.. Sunnah yang sayangnya semakin suram dinegara sendiri..

Kadang-kadang bila sesuatu itu lebih susah diperolehi atau dijumpai.. InsyaAllah.. ia lebih dihargai..